The 2nd CitySCAPE plenary meeting and the CitySCAPE General Assembly were held on 6 and 7 July 2021, virtually due to the restrictions of COVID 19. During the first day, there were interesting discussions between the partners on their future plans regarding the project as well as presentations on the current status and the progress that has been performed in each work package. The second day was dedicated to three technical workshops: The ‘CitySCAPE toolkit lifecycle regarding use cases and attack scenarios’ led by our partner UPRC, the ‘Fallback solutions so that CPaaS can provide useful data’ led by ACS and the ‘UI demos’ with the contribution of ACS, ED, STAM, UPRC and ENG.
The consortium partners and the project coordinator, ICCS , were totally satisfied, since the progress held within the project so far, is obvious and all the work packages are developing very well!